Evaluation at the Department of Music is continuous.  The student is evaluated on class participation, home assignments, and final examinations after each semester.  In some courses, students may be assigned term papers and project reports for evaluation.  Depending on the nature of the respective unit/paper theoretical and/or practical examinations and/or assignments are held.  Assignments can be essays on a certain aspect of music or an in-depth work or a practical performance (two to three assignments per unit).  The Department of Music attaches importance to punctuality and regular attendance of the course work and students have to maintain a minimum of seventy-five per cent class attendance.

At the end of each semester, students are awarded letter grades which represent the weighted average of grades obtained in various segments of evaluation.


grade                          grade value               remark


A                                       4.0                      outstanding

A –                                     3.7                      excellent

B+                                      3.3                      very good

B                                        3.0                      good

B-                                      2.7                      fair

C+                                     2.3                      fair

C                                       2.0                      fair

C-                                      1.7                      poor

D                                       1.0                      poor

F                                        0                         fail